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This folio, or knowledge management system, is powered by a wiki, defined by wikipedia as:

…a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor. Wiki's are typically powered by Wiki software and are often used to create collaborative websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems.

The online context, as home for my research over the last twelve months, has acted as 'mobile' repository for information and ideas. It has allowed for a process of crystalisation to occur over time, but also a bleed of data beyond its borders. Research spills over and outside the container. The most exciting 'finds' have been propelled by accident, tangents. The arms of inquiry - like branches - reach outwards, fingering the air. There is always the possibility to create a research pyramid, but if you go inside the pyramid, even there you will find a network of dead-ends, and also hidden chambers.

Is there a system? Yes, although it is a game of sorts. Let's play then.

The coloured bands are focused abstractions or the precision lens of a hypnotic trance. They are also annotations, a highlighter pen scoring over notes.

The chapters are small discoveries, they are also interchangeable. Their chronologies are suggested, but not given as absolute diary.

Inside the chapters, live the footnotes. Contexts and reading lists, reminders and check-in points.

The trance objects are constellations of writing.

And the voice pans in and out of hearing.

Your turn.

Images: installation detail Annex I at the Nunnery, and video still A + X + M